Monday, August 17, 2009

Remaining Thankful

Right now, it is so important that I keep my head on straight. Every moment threatens to swallow me whole. I don't even want to be blogging right now, but alas, I can't run away. My head is spinning with questions and words from without and within! Quiet packed up and moved on and even this, though work, seems like a selfish endeavor. I sit, I hear the talk, the attack of words and noise on my senses? How can I be such a sissy. There are people in India who have probably never heard one moment of time without noise and people? How tender I am. How useless.

I have to remember to be thankful, I have to remember that this is what I wanted. I have to remember that this isn't about me. I can't compare my load to others. I have to carry what has been laid upon me by the One who shares the yoke with me, the One who leads.

Lord, forgive me for being discontent and impatient. Forgive me for rolling my eyes and feeling tired of those I hold most dear. I am such a spoiled servant, please help me to humble myself and to bear with joy all the trials that you have set before me, because truth be told, my trials are another woman's easy day. Strengthen me I pray. Help me to grow in the grace and knowledge and wisdom of Your precious Spirit, Lord. Thank you for another day.

In Jesus name I ask.